Client Intake Form First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Gender: Pronouns: She/He/They DOB: Age: Street, City & Zip: Phone: Email: Employer / School: Occupation: Level of Education: Name of school (if student): Referred by: Primary Care Physician: Important medical history including recent or chronic conditions, surgeries and hospitalizations: Ongoing physical symptoms that concern you: Health providers involved in your care: List any medication / supplements you are taking: Previous treatment with mental health professionals: If so, please list the issues you addressed History of trauma / stressors: Activities that replenish your energy or provide comfort? Describe your history and relationship with alcohol/ substances ( as a user and/or witness): Have you recently experienced a change/struggle in the following areas? Please explain: Sleep: Food Intake: Exercise: Use of screen time: Work / study schedule: Relationship with family / friends: Who are involved in your support system? (include persons, animals, and communities): Describe your reason/intention of seeking therapy now: Do you have a question in mind? Emergency Contact: Phone / Email: If client is a minor or dependent: Please list parents/step-parents/gaurdians Name: DOB: Phone: Name: DOB: Phone: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.